CMJ (The Church’s Ministry among Jewish People) began in 1809 in Britain when a move of God resulted in an awakening which drew believers into the Scripture in a new way. Many were people of influence, church leaders and politicians (including founding member, William Wilberforce). Through their study of the Word, they recognized the plan of God to restore the nation of Israel and the Jewish people to the Land. They prayed as to how they could be a presence in the Land and reach out to the Jewish people.
Through prayer, diligence and geo-political changes within Europe, CMJ UK was able to build a consulate in Jerusalem and later a chapel which became Christ Church. Completed in 1845, this was the first Protestant church in the Holy Land!
CMJ also built the first hospitals and schools in Israel and assisted in many projects to provide work and improve living conditions.
Today, CMJ is a global family mobilizing diverse resources for bearing authentic, compassionate gospel witness in Canada, United States, Israel, England, South Africa, Australia, Europe and Ireland. We invite you to join the effort. As a CMJ Canada partner, your participation through prayer, volunteer work, pilgrimage and financial support is an investment in the spiritual rebirth of the Jewish people and the education of the Christian church in its call to take the Gospel to “the Jew first”.