“In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his resting place will be glorious.” (Isaiah 11:10)
Kanada House is a place of discipleship and retreat in the Jerusalem area. It is a place of honour, humility, healing, and holiness. Here, the ancient paths converge and connect, where Israel and the peoples of the world meet and engage with each other. It is a place to explore the Hebraic roots of the Faith, develop a deeper relationship with the Messiah, and encourage the call to be light to the nations.
“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls… (Jer 6:16)
Kanada House is called to:
- Worship
- Disciple
- Encourage
- Educate
- Provide refuge to believers
“I will bless those who bless you…” (Gen 12:3)
May Canada bless the Father’s heart in this hour by honoring His First-born.
Why the name Kanada House? It is about RESTORATION …
Our nation’s name was tarnished with the Kanada warehouses at Auschwitz concentration camp. Watch the following video to see how. The Lord asked CMJ Canada to establish Kanada House to redeem the name of our nation by being a blessing to His people. Kanada House is now established … 77 years after the prisoners were freed from Auschwitz! In the fullness of time, may Canadians do likewise!!
We invite you on this journey to reveal the mystery of God’s plan for His people, Israel and for the Church. Consider sowing a one-time gift or monthly donation.
All donations are payable to, and receipted by ICMS (International Christian Mission Services). Go to our Donations page for all the giving options. Be sure to specify your allocation to Kanada House.
Please share this opportunity to bless the Father’s heart.
Please contact Melodie Greyeyes at 780-991-6800 to request more information or to book a speaking engagement to share this opportunity.